
Jason Bowe

About Jason Bowe


  • CrossFit Level 1 Certified Trainer(CF-L1)
  • USA Weightlifting Sports & Performance Coach
  • CrossFit Anatomy Certification Course
  • CrossFit Spot the Flaw Certification Course

Jason served in the United States Army Guard, and his favorite hobbies are motocross and mountain biking. In 2010 after an unfortunate motorcycle accident involving another vehicle that nearly cost him his left foot and leg, he needed to find a way to get back into being active, healthy, and fit. In 2013 he heard of CrossFit and joined a gym. Since that day, CrossFit and health have become a priority in his life.

In 2017 he decided he wanted to use his personal experience as motivation to help others achieve their fitness goals. He pursued a coaching position in CrossFit and completed the certified courses for CrossFit Level 1 and USA Olympic Weightlifting Sports & Performance Coach. Since then, he has gained back strength and range of motion and recovered far beyond what he and the doctors ever thought possible. Since 2017 Jason has been fulfilling his goal of helping others achieve their fitness goals. He continues to educate himself to serve athletes under his guidance better.

Jason Bowe
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